Welcome! NotAbbott.com is the home of the weekly first-person accounting of Chicago music list.in.to.chicago, the occasional soccer column The Inswinger, and whatever else is on my mind at any given moment, although price and participation may vary as it becomes easier and easier to share those thoughts via social media. It's also the best way to keep tabs on where I'll be performing, musically, as I'm branching out into too many projects to send mail for them individually. At least that's the plan. Enjoy.
It has nothing to do with the pharmaceutical company. Really. It's just that my name is Costello, and not Abbott. If that made no sense, go ask your parents. Who's on first?
Mostly, it's because "Coz" was too short to lay claim to in the early days of the Internet username rush, and I'm loathe to attach strings of numbers to the ends of things to achieve uniqueness. NotAbbott was available early and often "back in the day," and as a result, I've got a pretty good lock on it across all sorts of web properties.
Click HERE to learn about all the ways I tell people about live music, whether it's my band or not.